

Thank You for Your Support

Downtown San Angelo Inc. would like to thank our member businesses, organizations and individuals for their continued support throughout the years. Without the help of the following members DSA Inc. would not be able to fulfill our vision of a revitalized historic district. If you would like to become a member of DSA Inc. please call 325.655.2345.


19 Thirty Three Bar | 1st Community Federal Credit Union | AB Distributing | AEP Texas | Aladdin’s Flooring | Alexander Resource Group | Angelo Glass & Mirror | ASU Small Business Development Center | Angelo State University | Angelo Water Service | AR Beauty Bar | Armstrong, Backus & Co. | Atmos Energy | Aurora’s Creations | Automatic Fire Protection


Backbeat Music Co. | Ballet of San Angelo | Bank of San Angelo | Best, Karen Law Office I The Bank & Trust | Bill Caldwell Electric Inc. | Bill’s Man Shop | Birk Monumental Manufacturing | Brown, Stephen | Burlap & Paisley | BUX Investments |


Cactus Book Store | Casa Décor | Chadbourne Tavern | Chilton Wilcox & Fortenberry | Choate,Guy & Eva | CISCO Equipment | City Lumber and Wholesale | Coldwell Banker Real Estate-S. Alexander | Coldwell Banker Real Estate-M. Puello | Collins,Kevin | Computer Bytes, LLC | Concho Confetti Antique Mall | Concho Crossing | Concho Suites | Concho Valley Credit Union | Concho Valley Door Inc.| Conn, John & Debbie | Cornerstone Builders | Crockett National Bank | Cummings, Jim |


David Mazur & Associates | DeCoty Coffee Company | DeHoyos Law Firm | Dierschke & Dierschke, Realtors | Dix Key Shop Safe & Lock | Don Payne Law Offices |


Eggemeyers General Store | Early, Thomas J.| Eustis Realtors |


Farmer’s Daughter Landscaping & Lawn | Fast Signs of San Angelo | Fernandez Restaurant | First Financial Bank | First National Bank of Mertzon | Fort Concho National Historic Landmark | Foster Communications | Freedom Fellowship Church | Fuentes Cafe Downtown |


Gossett Harrison, Millican & Stipanovic PC | Grafa Insurance | Graves, Andrew | Green Ridge Dental | Hargraves Tire & Auto | Harrison, Rony & Carol | Hartman Roofing | Henry Benedict Real Estate Investments | Heritage Haus Clocks | Holiday Cleaners | House of FifiDubois | Hughes Co. |


Hargrave’s Tire & Auto | Hartman Roofing | Heartsill, Joe & Nancy | Heritage Haus Clocks | Holiday Cleaners | Hughes Company



Jesse Rose Mercantile | Joe’s Ice House | Jones Hay Marschall & McKinney PC | JP Brookeson Construction | Justiss, Larry


Kendall Art Gallery | Kickapoo Asset Management, LLC | Kindred Healthcare Operating Inc. | Kinney Franke Architects |


Laurel Dane Design | Legend Jewelers | Leos Import | Live Design | LNG Enterprises| Los Panchitos at el Paseo | Louis Rork Real Estate


Mandala Den | M.L. Leddy’s | Mar-tiques Downtown | McGowen’s Catering | McLaughlin Advertising | Medical Arts Pharmacy | Moleo Gas Corp | Myers Drug & Boutique



Office Furniture Discounters | Old Central Firehouse Bed and Brew | Oliver, Rainey & Woijtek, CPA |


Pearl on the Concho | Pettit Productions | Plateau Brewing Company | Pop of Color | Professional Services Headquarters | Puckitt, Lane | Puckitt, Lee & Sandy | Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales and Appraisals | Pure Salon & Boutique



Rallo, Barbara & Joseph | Railway Museum of San Angelo | Rallo, Barbara & Joseph | Ranch Road Boots | Randall Motors | Ranger Aviation | Raw 1899 | Republic Services | Rio Concho Communities | R.M. Electrical Contractors | Robert Massie Funeral Home | Ruiz Studio & Gallery |


San Angelo Area Foundation | San Angelo Blues Society | San Angelo Chamber of Commerce | San Angelo Cultural Affairs Council | San Angelo Federal Credit Union | San Angelo Host Events | San Angelo Live | San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts/ Coop Gallery | San Angelo Studios | San Angelo Symphony Society | Sassy Fox | Schmidt Architects | Scott Allison Real Estate | Senator Charles Perry | Sendero Drilling Company | Shannon Medical Center | Shannon Porter & Johnson | Shell Enterprises | She Shack | Shipping Point | Silver Dollar Self-storage | Simply Perfect, LLC | SKG Engineering | Sonora Bank | Stango’s Cofee Shop | Stephen Central Library | Storming by Design LLC | Stribling Funding Corp | Stribling Probandt Appraisals | Superior Services | Surety Title Company


Taylor, Howard | Texas Pacifico | Texas State Bank | The Bank & Trust | The Black Swan Gallery & Wine Bar | The Latest Scoop | The Teacher Store | Tom Green County Historical Commission | Tom’s Tire Pro’s | Twisted Root Burger Co.| Ty Morris



V. Frazier Antiques & Art | Vital Care Solutions


Waterford Wellness Spa | Webb, Willie | West Central Wireless | Western Poster Supply | Whitehead Properties Inc. | Window Depot



Yellowhouse Machinery Co. | YMCA |


Zero One Brewing